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Harry Truman Knows How Quickly Media Convergence Will Arrive

Change is coming. Distribution of content via broadcast is being replaced by distribution of content via broadband.  It’s an era of media convergence, when the barriers between traditional forms of media – television, film, radio, print – fall and we...

The Jetsons Future & The Era Of Media Convergence

To see the future of show business – really, of all business – you need to look to the future you’ve already seen.  Surely you remember The Jetsons. George, Jane, Judy, and Elroy had those massive video screens in every room of the house.  They watched “television” on...

The Solution Is Very Different Than You Think It Is

Opportunities for performers and content creators who can truly stand out from the pack have never been greater.  Available audience is so much bigger than ever before.  So, how do you cut through the clutter of so many performers and creators flooding the market with...

YouTube: It’s The New Schwab’s Pharmacy!

Once upon a time, getting discovered required being in the right place at the right time.  You wandered into Schwab’s, the Brown Derby, or some other old Hollywood landmark completely unaware, and the next thing you knew – BAM! – you were on your way...