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When The Kardashians Tell You Where The Money Is, Believe Them

The second-biggest post on this blog last year was titled “When Rupert Murdoch Tells You Where The Money Is, Believe Him.” When someone as successful as Murdoch points the way to where entertainment success will be found in the future (hint: content is...

Broadcast Media: 99.5% Less Dead Than You Think

I talk about The Jetsons Future all the time. Recent events have led to me to believe it might be a good idea to address the fact that (1) it’s not here yet, and (2) you have a golden opportunity in the broadcast present to do something about the broadband...

NAB Question: Are You Worthy Of A “Buy It Now” Button?

Hopefully, we’ll see each other at the NAB Radio Show in Indianapolis next week.  (Actually, drop me a line, and let’s make sure that happens.) One question heading into NAB Week: Whether you’re talent or a broadcast company, what creative means are...