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Golden Globes Remind You Of Golden Opportunity

The other day, a group of friends and I were discussing whether The Jetsons Future means that the quality of productions must inevitably decline. My position – not the most popular one in the room at first – was an optimistic one. I argued that, while...

Broadcast Media: 99.5% Less Dead Than You Think

I talk about The Jetsons Future all the time. Recent events have led to me to believe it might be a good idea to address the fact that (1) it’s not here yet, and (2) you have a golden opportunity in the broadcast present to do something about the broadband...

Look! Here’s Where You Can Shoot Great Video For Free!

You know how you can know a bunch of stuff, but still miss a really obvious thing until, one day – bam! – the epiphany hits you in the face? I just got smacked upside the head by an epiphany that should speak to every content creator that doesn’t fit...