May 18, 2016
That headline is not a joke. You and I share 60% of our DNA with the product of several flowering plants in the genus Musa. Our DNA is primarily plantain. Now think about this: y’know that schlub you deeply regret having to work with, the one you have nothing in...
Jan 12, 2016
Spoiler alert: the news here is good. No, actually, it’s great. Revolutions can be scary, and yes, lots of traditional structures get torn down during revolutions, but new structures spring up, and the ones that are springing up as we begin 2016 are very...
Jan 5, 2016
Things aren’t always what they seem on the surface, and sometimes we lose sight of the things that truly move the emotional needle – whether trends or people – until something dire happens. So it was at the end of 2015 when one Ian Fraser...
Nov 5, 2015
This week’s new leap across media boundaries is an Evel Knievel-sized jump. The New York Times is moving into virtual reality storytelling. I don’t know about you, but I’m both floored and not the least bit surprised. For a while, I’ve been...
Aug 31, 2015
Mere months after I wrote this diatribe regarding the dim fate of the MVPD business, I officially became a cord-cutter. Today, I’m undertaking a radical, counter-revolutionary act and uncutting the cord…(probably) for a whole four months. Why?...