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Pay Attention To The 21 Year-Old & Learn To Go Both Ways

How’s that for a ridiculous, allegedly attention-grabbing headline? The 21 year-old woman in question is the erstwhile Sunshine Girl of YouTube fame. She’s now making the move from video into… …wait for it… …print. Yep, the media...

When The Kardashians Tell You Where The Money Is, Believe Them

The second-biggest post on this blog last year was titled “When Rupert Murdoch Tells You Where The Money Is, Believe Him.” When someone as successful as Murdoch points the way to where entertainment success will be found in the future (hint: content is...

Look! Here’s Where You Can Shoot Great Video For Free!

You know how you can know a bunch of stuff, but still miss a really obvious thing until, one day – bam! – the epiphany hits you in the face? I just got smacked upside the head by an epiphany that should speak to every content creator that doesn’t fit...