Oct 20, 2014
You know how you can know a bunch of stuff, but still miss a really obvious thing until, one day – bam! – the epiphany hits you in the face? I just got smacked upside the head by an epiphany that should speak to every content creator that doesn’t fit...
Oct 16, 2014
Irony alert: in the first month of the new television season, I feel compelled to rerun an episode of this blog. 24 days ago, I ranted about the trainwreck that is cable & satellite TV customer service, going into personal detail, and laying out a brief case for...
Oct 6, 2014
In these parts, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of entertainment and media. It’s a future where media is converging, the old ways of doing things are collapsing, and the people who consume our content are becoming accustomed to getting multiple...
Oct 1, 2014
The same basic issue is affecting television and radio, film and print. We’re living in the era of media convergence. We’re living in an era when all media is converging into one entity. Further, delivery systems are converging – instead of printed...
Sep 22, 2014
Let’s talk television, taking a commonplace rant observation about cable companies and thinking about what it means for the future of content creators. Before I rant – er, observe – let’s set the framework for why this stuff matters. We spend...