May 7, 2015
In the aftermath of a record-setting boxing match, let’s talk about fighting. Here are several recent, seemingly unrelated developments. See if you can find the common thread. The breakout star of this year’s FIGHT OF THE CENTURY!!! wasn’t named...
Apr 22, 2015
In these parts, we refer to “content” all the time. It’s not a misnomer; content is a business word, and after all, we’re in show business. It is, however, a poor choice of words, given that “content” is a...
Mar 26, 2015
How’s that for a ridiculous, allegedly attention-grabbing headline? The 21 year-old woman in question is the erstwhile Sunshine Girl of YouTube fame. She’s now making the move from video into… …wait for it… …print. Yep, the media...
Mar 3, 2015
The second-biggest post on this blog last year was titled “When Rupert Murdoch Tells You Where The Money Is, Believe Him.” When someone as successful as Murdoch points the way to where entertainment success will be found in the future (hint: content is...
Jan 28, 2015
Given my 30+-year connection to radio, I sometimes write posts about the lessons people in others fields of entertainment can learn from radio. Some of those are very explicitly about radio; others aren’t, but any radio broadcaster would recognize the...