Dec 10, 2014
I talk about The Jetsons Future all the time. Recent events have led to me to believe it might be a good idea to address the fact that (1) it’s not here yet, and (2) you have a golden opportunity in the broadcast present to do something about the broadband...
Nov 17, 2014
Perhaps the worst thing that can be said in any business – show or otherwise – is this: “But that’s not how we’ve always done it.” Every so often, I try to inspire you with stories of entertainers who couldn’t care less how...
Nov 6, 2014
Because the nice people at YouTube have access to over one billion human beings who consume content – voraciously – on their website, they have access to far more information about how content is being used (and not used) than any other operator on the...
Oct 20, 2014
You know how you can know a bunch of stuff, but still miss a really obvious thing until, one day – bam! – the epiphany hits you in the face? I just got smacked upside the head by an epiphany that should speak to every content creator that doesn’t fit...
Oct 6, 2014
In these parts, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of entertainment and media. It’s a future where media is converging, the old ways of doing things are collapsing, and the people who consume our content are becoming accustomed to getting multiple...