Feb 10, 2016
Let’s talk about one of my favorite types of people: mad scientists. In an era of massive change in entertainment and media, it is the crazed experimenters who will develop successful products, and you don’t have to be one solitary scientist sitting in...
Nov 5, 2015
This week’s new leap across media boundaries is an Evel Knievel-sized jump. The New York Times is moving into virtual reality storytelling. I don’t know about you, but I’m both floored and not the least bit surprised. For a while, I’ve been...
Jun 9, 2015
When Apple announced Beats 1℠, a live “radio station”, I had two instantaneous reactions: Really? The rest of radio is narrowing its focus, and Apple is targeting the entire planet with one “radio station”, and I can’t wait to see how...
Mar 26, 2015
How’s that for a ridiculous, allegedly attention-grabbing headline? The 21 year-old woman in question is the erstwhile Sunshine Girl of YouTube fame. She’s now making the move from video into… …wait for it… …print. Yep, the media...
Jan 20, 2015
Remember when television was about the lowest common denominator? Remember when the radio station that won was “the one station that everybody at work can agree on”? Those days – the days of aiming as broadly as possible – are toast. Let’s focus on...