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What Clear Channel’s Rebranding Says To The Entertainment Industry

So, Clear Channel Communications is now iHeart Media. The single biggest operator in radio just nailed it. When it’s not just your company that’s changing massively, but your entire brand, a fresh coat of paint is an extremely good idea. Given that (1)...

When Rupert Murdoch Tells You Where The Money Is, Believe Him

Rupert Murdoch likes money. He likes making money. He likes spending money – lots of it – in order to make lots more money. Rupert Murdoch doesn’t do things unless he thinks they’re the best way to make as much money as possible. So, when you...

The Jetsons Future & The Era Of Media Convergence

To see the future of show business – really, of all business – you need to look to the future you’ve already seen.  Surely you remember The Jetsons. George, Jane, Judy, and Elroy had those massive video screens in every room of the house.  They watched “television” on...