Jul 16, 2015
I’m going to keep this really generic for (hopefully) obvious reasons. Recently, I read a really great piece on a website that focuses on entertainers. It was written by a lawyer, and it was an excellent look at an important legal issue that all entertainers...
Dec 3, 2014
I try extremely hard to avoid going lawyer on you, but when I put on my attorney hat, there’s one subject that creatives almost universally misunderstand: fair use. Because (1) it’s a copyright concept, and (2) copyright law is at the heart of what we do...
Oct 28, 2014
The answer is: acting like an ostrich. And yes, this is my way of reminding you to make the deliberate choice of seeing the future with your eyes wide open rather than sticking your head in the sand and pretending that things will always be as they always have been....
Jun 27, 2014
We live in a world of media convergence, where all forms of content are becoming one. It’s a world where print periodicals also create audiovisual content. It’s a world where radio and television stations expect their talent to create written content via...
Jun 17, 2014
James Franco has an obvious observation about the power of the celebrity selfie: “[S]tars know the power of their image, and how it is enhanced when garnished with privileged material — anything that says, ‘Here is a bit of my private life.’” Translated: when you give...