Jan 8, 2015
I felt the need to include a mashup word – ginormous – in the headline because there’s already a media convergence theme song for 2015: It’s A Mashup World After All. (Dear Lord – I’ve just planted that song in your head for the...
Dec 10, 2014
I talk about The Jetsons Future all the time. Recent events have led to me to believe it might be a good idea to address the fact that (1) it’s not here yet, and (2) you have a golden opportunity in the broadcast present to do something about the broadband...
Oct 28, 2014
The answer is: acting like an ostrich. And yes, this is my way of reminding you to make the deliberate choice of seeing the future with your eyes wide open rather than sticking your head in the sand and pretending that things will always be as they always have been....
Oct 16, 2014
Irony alert: in the first month of the new television season, I feel compelled to rerun an episode of this blog. 24 days ago, I ranted about the trainwreck that is cable & satellite TV customer service, going into personal detail, and laying out a brief case for...
Oct 6, 2014
In these parts, we spend a lot of time thinking about the future of entertainment and media. It’s a future where media is converging, the old ways of doing things are collapsing, and the people who consume our content are becoming accustomed to getting multiple...